Sunday, February 5, 2012

Puppies puppies and more puppies

Cameron and I found another member for our family (and no no babies yet). His name is Rufio and he is a Bichon-Poodle mix. We had been talking about getting another puppy, so Olive could have a friend but time, money and puppy never seemed right.
A couple weeks ago I was looking at puppies on KSL and at the shelter with my Aunt Christy. She showed me a Bichon Frise-Poodle mix. Aunt Christy thought it would be perfect for us! Growing up my sister had a Bichon (Marshmallow) and I had a Poodle (Belle) and both were wonderful dogs.

The family, who had Rufio before us, purchased him as a Christmas gift but needed to get rid of him as soon as possible since their older dogs did NOT like him. Their daughter took him in, but already having German Shepherds, didn't need another dog.

Cameron and I had found a cute little puppy at the shelter that we wanted but it didn't end up working out. So we called about a million different puppy adds but either they didn't return our calls or seemed suspicious (don't want to support puppy mills!). It got to the point were I finally realized that maybe this was God's way of telling us we do not need another dog.

Flipping through adds one last time on KSL, Rufio's picture popped up. I said to Cameron this is the last dog. If it works out great, if not we are not getting a dog. I texted the number on the add and they answered right away saying they could meet us in 15 mins.

We drove down there and the minute I saw him I was in LOVE. He was sooooo cute!

The poor little guy had been bounced around to three different homes in less than two weeks and ours was the fourth, so it took him a little while to warm up to us.Olive loved him right away and thought it was great fun! All the way up until bedtime that is. Cameron and I (being push-overs) let him sleep in the bed with all of us. Olive was not pleased. Every time he came near her she would snap and growl (really unusual for her). So I was pretty pleased when I woke up a couple days ago to find them cuddled together on the bed fast asleep!

Olive and Rufio play all of the time! He is quite a bit bigger than her (already 7lbs versus her 5) and likes to pull her around the house while they are playing tug-a-war. Olive has soooo much energy it's been really good for her to play and play and play.
When Rufio is scared (which at first was a lot) she will go up and lick his nose until he feels better and gets up to play.
Rufio is super smart and can already come (most of the time), sit, and shake. And today he used his potty bell for the first time! Super happy! Hopefully no more puppy pee!

The end....

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